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Key Features

PodUp Reach Score:
  • Displays a score indicating the popularity of your podcast.
Real-Time Data from Google Analytics:
  • Accesses and integrates real-time data directly from Google Analytics.
Social Channel Integration:
  • Brings analytics from connected social media channels into the PodUp platform.
Detailed Demographic Analysis:
  • Allows drilling down into analytics based on states, browsers, and other demographic factors.
Export to Excel:
  • Provides an option to export data into Excel for further analysis or reporting.
Episode-Level Analytics:
  • Offers detailed analytics for individual podcast episodes.

Packed With Easy-To-Use Features

All-In-One Analytics Overview
Channel-Specific Performance Insights
Customizable Data Visualization
Geographical Audience Mapping
Individual Content Tracking


A user-friendly platform

I am what the online show world would affectionately call a noob.  I have wanted to put together an online show, but had no idea where to start beyond an unorganized post on social media.  Podup has given me the structured insight and support on how to do it right.  I have talked to others who have been trying to get their show out there for years and from my initial onboarding with Podup can immediately identify the pitfalls to which they succumbed.  I am moving confidently forward with the end goal in sight and support to get there.  The investment I have made with Podup is definitely small in proportion to the benefit I have received.  It's so nice to have a partner who is vested and committed to my success.

David S.
RVCast & Margot2Mars
All the podcasting tools in one login

I love it! All of my podcasting business tools under one username and password and monthly fee. I'm super impressed with the tools. Especially love the AI Clipper for repurposing my podcasts on social media.

Stuart D.
Start Ups with Stu